We believe in total transparency.
If you have any questions please send any concerns you have to info@okaytowalkaway.com
Frequently Asked Questions

Not Legal Advice
The information on this website is not legal advice. The information is general in nature and there is no promise or guarantee to be accurate, current or whole. You should not rely on this website information on making legal decisions. The use of this website does not create a relationship with Okay To Walk Away (OTWA), it’s affilitates, or network of partners. Transmission of information via the “Contact Us” form or Internet e-mail does not create nor does it intend to create a relationship between OTWA and you. In addition, any response to a “Contact Us” form or Internet e-mail submission does not create a relationship. Only when a mutually signed agreement between OTWA, it’s affiliates, or network of partners and you regarding a matter will The OTWA represent you.

OTWA educates the general public, helps homeowners, and if they can’t help may refer your contact information, at no cost to you along with your permission, to law firms and other real estate professionals to evaluate qualifications for a mortgage solution. OTWA is not a non-profit organization and not affiliated with your lender or any government program. By applying with OTWA does not guarantee a loan modification, short sale, or foreclosure prevention.

HUD Disclaimer
Non-profit housing counseling agencies also offer various forms of borrower assistance free of charge. A list of nonprofit housing counseling agencies approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is available from your local HUD office or by visiting www.hud.gov.

External Links
Links on this website may lead to other websites. These websites may be operated, controlled, and/or maintained by outside parties not affiliated with OTWA. OTWA does not endorse the linked websites nor does it imply any relationship between OTWA and the website.

Testimonials or Endorsements
This site may contain testimonial or endorsements from actual clients. However, these testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your matter.

Risks of Using the Internet
While we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to OTWA. In addition, other Internet sites or services that may be accessible through OTWA. Such websites have separate data and privacy practices independent of this website, and therefore we disclaim any responsibility or liability for their policies or actions.

Not Affiliated with your lender/servicer/investor
Okay To Walk Away, it’s agents, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, or partners are not associated with your mortgage servicer, lender, bank, or investor on your loan.

Not a government Agency
Okay To Walk Away, it’s agents, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, or partners are not a government agency

For Profit Companies
Okay To Walk Away, it’s agents, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, or partners are for-profit companies unless advised of otherwise in writing.